Education Minister Calls For Interrogation Of Assessment Systems


Education Cabinet Secretary (CS) Ezekiel Machogu has asked policymakers in African nations to examine the shortcomings of the evaluations in separate public schooling systems.

Mr Machogu said that policymakers should concoct the right answers for these difficulties, noticing that evaluation is a basic support point for the outcome of a schooling system.

The Bureau Secretary offered the comments in a discourse read for his sake by the State Division for Fundamental Schooling Head Secretary, Dr. Belio Kipsang during the end function of the 39th meeting of the Relationship for Instructive Evaluation in Africa (AEAA) at a Nairobi inn on Friday.

In participation were the active AEAA President, Mr Patrick Areghan, who is likewise the CEO of West African Assessments Gathering, Nigeria, and the approaching President-AEAA, who is additionally the CEO of KNEC, Dr David Njengere.

Mr Machogu expressed states in Africa should likewise see the value in that difficulties actually arise with the progression of innovation.

"We should straightforwardly think on the most ideal ways to guarantee that no student is abandoned because of evaluation," Mr Machogu noticed.

Prior, Dr. Kipsang expressed policymakers in schooling should ponder how they will evaluate ability since it has turned into a basic piece of training.

He said they should plan a fair evaluation framework to guarantee that no kid is abandoned in deciding the natural capacities youngsters have.

Dr. Kipsang further communicated the need to start kids into valuing ICT as a schooling instrument, saying school systems ought to use innovation as an instructive as well as an evaluation apparatus for what's in store.

In his discourse, the active Leader of AEAA, Mr Areghan said that evaluation was fundamental to a school system.

"The nature of schooling in a not set in stone by the nature of evaluation," he noticed, saying thusly that a school system is the foundation of all the other things a nation does or seeks after.

In participation were the Administrator of the KNEC Chamber, Prof. Julius Omondi Nyabundi, and the Leader Secretary of AEAA, who is additionally the CEO of Assessments Chamber of Zambia, Dr. Michael Chilala.

The following AEAA meeting will be held in August one year from now in Cape Town, South Africa.

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