Why Incredible Benga Performer Odhiambo Tusker Has Quit Secular Music


At the point when he sends out the primary vibe on his guitar, the climate turns electric. It doesn't take some time before he gets in contact of his entrancing melody "Jathum chamo suya" (a performer devours smell).

For quite a long time, Benard Odhiambo Okome, affectionately alluded to as Odhiambo Tusker by his fans, has ended up being one of the remarkable Benga artistes in Nyanza, with lively shows.

He has told veneration among fans locally and universally. In Luo Nyanza, he is an easily recognized name who imparts a table to any semblance of Osito Kale, Ongoro Ja Karachuonyo, and Madanji Border.

Today, whether played by a live band, radio broadcast or DJ, Odhiambo's hits, for example, Cynthia, Florry Nyar Bondo and Jopuonj Jomabeyo have become well known demands from fans in diversion joints.

However, in the wake of reigning in the Luo Benga scene starting around 2004, another sunrise for Odhiambo has dumped common music subsequent to being brought back to life.

The previous Malela Lords band pioneer declared his choice to give his life to Christ keep going week via online entertainment. As per his post, Odhiambo said he got a call from God to serve him and reported that he was as of now not in common music.

"Whatever amount of I will frustrate my clients, fans and companions, I have no choice. The All-powerful has spoken and I simply need to respect his order," he said.

The 37-year-old's exit from the common music scene adds to the extensive rundown of other celebrated craftsmen like Wahu, Size 8 and another Luo Benga craftsman Oyier Simba Jay, who got brought back to life. Previous Ohangla craftsman Sammy Kijana additionally dumped Ohangla for gospel.

In a meeting with The Norm, the 2012 candidate for Lakeside Grants in the classification for Best Benga Artiste said everything was crafted by God.

"I realize it has overwhelmed many individuals yet that is the way God works. At the point when the opportunity arrives, you simply follow the desire of God," said the previous individual from the amazing Luo Benga maestro Osito Kalle's Nabii Rulers band.

Seven days before he declared his exit from mainstream music, Odhiambo delivered his last tune named Milly section 5. In the melody, he lauds his significant other describing how she has uncovered every one of the battles and the great times they have had together.

Despite the fact that his stage name was gotten from his affection for Tusker brew, the artiste quit drinking over a long time back.

"Many individuals knew me as Tusker yet now that I've seen the hand of God, simply call me sibling Bernard Odhiambo Okome," he said.

What's more, in one of his tunes "Wena Aweya Nyasacha", Odhiambo requests that God excuse him for the wrongs that he has done on the planet.

Odhiambo, who says that his two spouses have invited the choice, added that he was easygoing by dim powers.

"This choice has not come as a shock. I had arranged for it," he said, adding that he dropped various shows that he should join in.

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