Top news events to look out for today


This is the very thing that you want to be aware to find a good pace with the present happenings.

CAS positions to pause
Speaker Moses Wetang'ula is set to lead on the lawfulness of the Public Government Organization Regulations (Change) Bill (Public Gathering Bill No. 73 of 2023) on Wednesday, Walk 20, 2024.

The bill presently going through its Subsequent perusing expects to lay out both the places of the Boss Managerial Secretary (CAS) and the Head of Staff.

Head of Minority Opiyo Wandayi had communicated concerns, expressing that in the event that the bill is passed with no guarantees, it could prompt lawful difficulties likened to past ones where the High Court considered the position unlawful.

Wandayi contended that the jobs illustrated for the CAS and the Head of Staff in the bill abuse the Constitution.

In this manner, he had encouraged Parliament not to propel the bill in its present status.

Kenya Power and Lighting Organization reported planned upkeep bringing about power breaks in four districts: Machakos, Kakamega, Embu, and Nyeri.

The blackout will happen on Tuesday, Walk 19, 2024, between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, with fluctuating spans in every area.

In Machakos Province, regions like Kapiti Fields, Kwa Katheke, Kiasa, and others will be impacted, with the blackout enduring from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

In Kakamega District, the blackout will be between 10:00 am and 5:0.0 pm, influencing regions like Ibinga, Likuyani Center, and Safari Correspondences Sponsors.

Embu District will encounter a power outage from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, influencing regions like Siakago Town, Gitiburi, and Gikuyari.

Nyeri District's blackout will be from 9:0.0 am to 4:00 pm, influencing areas including Mweiga, Amboni, and Solio Farm.

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